Life in the 21st century is so busy, we can’t even spend time with our family at a time when we can’t even spend time for ourselves if we talk about the changes in the lives of children, their lives are full of competitions, from waking up in the morning till going to bed at night they have to be involved in comparisons and competitions, In this condition, children become more irritable, with many parents worrying that their child is not listening to them. At such times spiritual meditation contributes immensely, meditation is the answer to all our questions from morning to evening, through which we can eliminate our tiredness of the whole day, It has been said by our ancestors that spiritual meditation is a means of overcoming all the depravity of our body, meditation helps us to focus on our work. And when it comes to spiritual meditation in the lives of young children, it helps children to concentrate on learning, as well as helps to alleviate their day-to-day fatigue. When we can’t give children more time, a little peace of mind helps children to calm down. When we can’t give children more time, a little peace of mind helps children to calm down. And this is what the world’s largest university has proven that meditation is capable of giving a new life to any child and at the same time it has helped the child to concentrate on his studies and life.
For that 25th February, 2022 School arrange an online Workshop on “Combine Spirituality with Children’s Life Education” which is led by the Guest Chaka Bapa Managing trustee, Divya Shree maha mrutyu maha amrut vishvavidhyalaya, Natarajpuram. In this Workshop, more than two hundred participants were joined on “Zoom” and “youtube live”, This webinar host by Jateen Shah Teacher at UniqYOU School.
Before starting a workshop, For relaxing the mind as per the method or tradition of our school, the webinar begins with the Omkar by Mrs. Amisha Shah. After that Mr. Harshad Patel had introduced our respected guest, Chaka Bapa, with such a long description that everyone was amazed to know about this wonderful human being. that listing was like go on and on about Chaka Bapa. So including all the staff members, parents and students felt that ora of such great personality. Our respected Principal Shri Harshad Patel had welcomed all the students, parents, and guests.
Then the positive vibes begin in the webinar by Chaka Bapa with the topic of Combine Spirituality with Children’s Life Education. He started by saying Nowadays all parents are imposing their thoughts on children. All the decisions of life, from what to make, what to teach, are imposed on the children by the parents. In that case, the child loses his childhood but he also loses his thinking of a creative mind.
They divided children’s lives into three dimensions: education, religion, and the arts. He further said that life without art has become dull for every human being. He told them that the father should be the child’s friend and that he should know what is best for his life and make good decisions for him. Parents should never fight with their children in vain, Parents should not tease the child on small things, at the same time should not give them repeated instructions, children should be given the right environment following their aptitude.
He further said about Bharat Bhoomi that India is a land of spirit in which Bha means spirit, Ra means interest and Ta means rhythm. Today’s children should also be given an understanding of these sutras of that time, just as the spirit of Vasudeva Kutumbakam was in India in earlier times. We must also engage today’s children in traditional occupations, and teach them to choose the right path.
Children need spiritual meditation along with education as much as food, parents need to pray with their children in the morning and evening for a vision of life as well as take them along with nature. One day in a year to take them to Kuladevi temple and explain to them about spirituality. Yoga, meditation, sandalwood, saffron incense sticks can be used to keep the home environment as calm as possible. The child does wrong only when his inner love is lacking, the parents are not getting enough time and love for the child, the prayer to God has a profound effect on life.
Life, as it is today, is no tomorrow, no one can predict what will happen in the next moment. So we should think about how we can make the present better without thinking of the next moment, Every human being should always hold the edge of religion as it gives us the way and courage to live life, as well as information on how we can make our life better and more beautiful.
The webinar ended happily and emotionally, with everyone in attendance handling Chaka Baap’s spiritual talk with emotion.
YouTube Link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CQsJ-_crI_0
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