If we talk about the earlier times, the work of human beings was fixed due to racism and the lack of technology kept the work and abilities of human beings constricted. Compared to today’s times, every minute change in technology now, and the end of discrimination has opened up many dimensions for every human being, which is why we have to see changes in thinking in human beings. So it is very important to change over time, just as education policy needs to change over time. In earlier times, due to a lack of thinking and technology, there was a need to use the old policy in education, but today, as the policy has become obsolete, there is a need for innovation. That is why the government is going to implement a new education policy. And to inform children and their parents in this regard in earlier times, due to lack of thinking and technology, there was a need to use the old policy in education, but today, as the policy has become obsolete, there is a need for innovation. That is why the government is going to implement a new education policy. And to inform children and their parents in this regard 4th March 2022 UniqYOU school arrange an online Workshop on “Role of Parents for child-rearing in context of new Education Policy” which is led by the Guest Dr. Jayendrasinh Jadav Registrar, Gujarat Commerce Collage & Gujarat Sahitya Academy, Gandhinagar, Ahmedabad, also a Member Of Taskforce on NEP, Government of Gujarat. In this Workshop, more than one hundred participants were joined on “Zoom” and “youtube live”, This webinar host by Jateen Shah & DivyeshBhai teachers at UniqYOU School.
Before starting a workshop, For relaxing the mind as per the method or tradition of our school, the webinar begins with the Omkar. After that school Principal Shri Harshad Patel introduced our respected guest, Dr. Jayendrasinh Jadav, with such a long description that everyone was amazed to know about this wonderful human being. Lots of work experience, knowledge, degrees, work areas, etc. that listing was like go on and on about Dr. Jayendrasinh Jadav. So including all the staff members, parents and students felt that ora of such great personality. Then after Harshad Patel welcomed all the students, parents, and guests.
Then the positive vibes begin in the webinar by Dr. Jayendrasinh Jadav with the topic of “Role of Parents for child-rearing in context of new Education Policy”. He started by saying We have been following the 36-year-old education policy till now 10 + 2 + 3 which is going on now, after independence there was a demand for change but it was not noticed but after 36 years a new education policy is coming with big changes. This education policy has been implemented with changes from the time a child is born to the time he becomes qualified and does a good job.
Today’s children are advanced with new methods and new technologies, so the old education policy was not able to educate them properly and with innovation, and for this reason, child-rearing has become an important issue for all. This new education policy has seen many changes, big and small, from 1 to 12 years of education to 15 years. He further said that every child is unique and every parent and teacher needs to identify the abilities of children and develop them according to their interests. It is not possible for every child to be ahead in every activity. Every child has different abilities so if the child is promoted in it he can do his best. Next, he talked about the new education policy and informed all the parents about it. He also explained the importance of the mother tongue.
The webinar ended with a Q&A in which each parent enthusiastically entered their participation. And hope to participate in such webinars in the future.
YouTube Link: https://youtu.be/x8rUPQZgYCw
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