UniqYOU School believes in practical-based learning to prepare students for future technologies and careers. Two workshops in this direction for English and Gujarati medium students were held on January 7, 2021. Fab academic graduate and social innovator engineer Dhruv Saidava led the workshop along with Jaydeep Parejiya, Vijay Chaudhari, and Jateen Shah.
Before starting the session, Mr. Dhruv Saidava put all the sensors in front of everyone, Student’s are so excited to learn about those new things in front of them, and then the main session start, Dhruv Saidava started to explain about all the sensors one by one and it slowly increases the curiosity of students to learn more and more.
The workshop covered 21st-century skills of electronics, robotics, and the basics of physics to engage students of Standard 8. Basic elements of electronic circuits, sensors, and certain components were explained and exposed to the students. It has given students the confidence to play with sensors and other components so that they can explore further in that direction as independent learners.

In this pandemic situation, practical knowledge and self-directed learning play an important role to learn, and this workshop starts with an inspiring speech by Founder Jitendra Patel and Principal Harshadbhai about the importance of practical learning and sensor learning in this 21st century, After this inspiring speech, an impactful workshop started. UniqYOU is to offer students these components as an initiative called Maker-library, under which students will take the different level component box and explore the circuit at home as well apart from working in the Makerspace at school and Community Makerspace by The Good Human Being Foundation at the separate campus in Idar.

These workshops covered topics like how basic circuits work and how motors work, How to create basic circuits to build a functional robot, and How different sensors work. Students were so excited and it was evident by their engagement. Workshops ensured new pedagogy to train teachers and students together by different activities where students and teachers needed to engage with each other.
At the end of the workshop, all the students were very enthusiastic to do their own activity and eager to receive the kits to the students and they will learn by performing this activity by own.
Indeed great learning for all the participant students and teachers by an exceptional teacher – Mr. Dhruv Saidava.
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