In this day and age when technology is changing day by day, something new is being discovered every day, it seems that we are getting used to this technology. It is not even possible to think of living our lives without this technology. At a time when children are getting used to it from an early age, it becomes a special duty of parents to keep an eye on how their children are using this technology. At the same time, it becomes very important for parents and their children to make rules for the use of this technology as well as to set a time limit. It is said that a child learns everything by looking at his parents at an early age. His parents are ideal for every child. In such a time, every parent should be their role model. UniqYOU School has always strived to impart knowledge to the children in 21st-century subjects and at the same time to keep them motivated to move forward. And the school is always striving for this. In the 21st century, if we talk about the capabilities of technology, it has the power to lead children on both good and bad paths and it depends on the timing of the use of technology by these children and how they use the technology. And it becomes the duty of every parent to pay attention to that thing, And for that 18th Feb 2022 school arrange an online Workshop on “Raising Children in Digital Age” which is led by the Guest Haresh Patel Dynamic Speaker, BE, PGDBA, CFA(INDIA), ERICKSON PROFESSIONAL COACH (ACTP-ICF). In this Workshop, more than two hundred participants were joined on “Zoom” and “youtube live”, This webinar host by Jateen Shah Teacher at UniqYOU School.
For relaxing the mind as per the method or tradition of our school, the webinar begins with the Omkar by Mr. Harshad Patel. After that Shree Yogesh Patel had introduced our respected guest, Mr. Haresh Patel, with such a long description he is the person who played leadership roles in companies like Thomson Financial, and SAP that everyone was amazed to know about this wonderful human being. Lots of work experience, knowledge, work areas, etc. that listing was like go on and on about Mr. Haresh Patel. So including all the staff members, parents and students felt that ora of such a great personality. Mr. Jatin Sir had welcomed all the students, parents, and guests.
Then the positive vibes begin in the webinar by Mr. Haresh Patel with the life-changing stories. He started by saying about technology development in 1995 – 1996. He wanted to highlight directly parenting control webinars or seminars by sharing topics on screen.
He then gave each parent tips on how to fit their children into the digital age like – Know the value of the digital platforms and tell your children’s to effective use of social media, – Make your own family media use plan and make a timetable for how much time you gave on digital usage, – Set limits and encourage playtime So that the child spends more time on sports and his health instead of mobile – Be a good role model Because a child learns all things by watching their parents, if you give your children a good time, take them for a walk and reward them, they will not pay much attention to wasting time.
They then talked about four issues to move forward in the digital age – Social Media (Determine whether the social media platform is appropriate for your child’s age). – Online Sharing (When sharing photos or videos on social media sites, be sure to set the strictest privacy setting to Share only with friends and family, Both for yourself and your children). – Online Video Games (Learn the game and play with your children to form your own opinion and decision about the game). – Screen Time (Find quality content for your children so that can learn, play and discover with online resources).
They divide parental behavior into four parts so that each parent present knows for themselves how they need to change themselves. – Permissive Parents (type of parenting style characterized by low demands with high responsiveness). – Uninvolved (sometimes referred to as neglectful parenting, is a style characterized by a lack of responsiveness to a child’s needs). – Authoritarian (It places high expectations on children with little responsiveness). – Authoritative (They guide their kids through open and honest discussions to teach values and reasoning. Like authoritarian parents, they set limits and enforce standards). In this way, he explained to every parent present there how to become an ideal parent.
Unlike every time, this time the webinar ended with a Q&A in which every parent enthusiastically participated. Finally, all the parents would like to thank Hareshsar for this informative webinar and hope for a webinar like this in the future.
YouTube Link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iSjrXTnHYJo
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