Gujarat Police Housing Corporation MD Hasmukh Patel Take a webinar on Parenting In Corona Times.

The coronavirus disease (COVID-19) pandemic has upended family life around the world. School closures, working remote, physical distancing — it’s a lot to navigate for anyone, but especially for parents as well as students. If we talk about the daily life of the parents, their resistance daily routine is disrupted, how to do the work from home or whose job is going in the opposite period of Corona, they are disturbed in worrying about how to start a new job. And because of this situation, parents can’t give their child enough time, Similarly, if we talk about the change in the lives of children due to Corona, the highest development in children is in school but due to the closure of schools due to Corona, children are forced to take online education from home, which prevents innovation in children, at the same time, it has become an obstacle in activities designed for their development during school sports, And staying at home has spread parental stress to children who feel insecure, and has often been seen to provoke resentment. These are the questions of many parents that my child is very irritable now But in a way, this child is not irritable but it shows that the child needs love, for this 11th Feb 2022 school arrange an online Workshop on “Parenting In Corona Times” which is led by the Guest IPS Hasmukh Patel ADGP & Managing Director of Gujarat State Polic Housing Corporation. In this Workshop, more than two hundred participants were joined on “Zoom” and “youtube live”, This webinar host by Jateen Shah Teacher at UniqYOU School.
Before starting a workshop, For relaxing the mind as per the method or tradition of our school, the webinar begins with the Omkar by Mrs. Mayuri Chaudhary. After that, she introduced our respected guest, Mr.Hasmukh Patel, with such a long description that everyone was amazed to know about this wonderful human being. Lots of work experience, knowledge, degrees, work areas, etc. that listing was like go on and on about Mr.Hasmukh Patel. So including all the staff members, parents and students felt that ora of such great personality. IPS Hasmukh Patel Started the program “Parenting For Peace” in 2014 for provides free counseling to parents on good parenting, the impact of media, and good and bad touch. Our respected Principal Shri Harshad Patel welcomed all the students, parents, and guests.
Then the positive vibes begin in the webinar by Mr.Hasmukh Patel with the topic of Parenting in Corona Times. He started by saying that In this difficult time of Corona when all of our activities like going out, and walking are banned, children whose school is restricted can’t meet their friends, can’t play, parents have questions that children don’t study and don’t read. At the same time, he does not listen to us, so we will talk about the questions that need to be answered about how we can hear this situation.
Through this webinar, he talked to parents about how to connect children with them in a positive way which he said that we should connect children with our work as well as with our planning so that they do not feel hot loneliness and boredom. He further said that we should tell children with love instead of ordering their work. He said that if a child promises you something and then does not work, it does not mean that he always breaks his promise but a promise does mean that he wants to do this but cannot do it. So instead of being angry at his/her in such a time, give him/her a compliment, and welcome her so that she/he is motivated to do something the next time. He told the parents that the child is not a toy that we can play with as we wish, they have the right to live as they wish but we are playing with the child’s life for our own benefit, so we have to impose our ideas on them. At the same time, they should be allowed to grow by accompanying them in the direction they like. If a child makes a mistake we should explain it to them instead of being angry with them and if we are angry with them we should stop apologizing to them. Will think before making this mistake. Sometimes it may seem like we are whipped to get angry at their mistakes but we should avoid doing so as this leaves a bad impression on our children and leads them to violent activity. He then talked a little bit about the growth of children, in which he said that offline growth was more and better than online growth. He said that the growth of a child is not just in a book, it is also an activity in which he should be promoted. They talked about such things.
After that Q&A was started in which all the parents participated very enthusiastically, After which a feeling of satisfaction was seen on the faces of all the parents handling the answers of Sir. With which this webinar was happily concluded.
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