In the 21st Century Technology are changing every minute, and with these changes, the learning method is also changing, in this covid situation most schools, and colleges are closed and students started learning at home through Digital class on youtube or Online class, also Teacher’s and Education campus started teaching through using Digital equipment. In this situation where students started learning from home, we need to make the house environment positive where students study easily and effectively. In addition to learning at the house make sure that your home environment also stimulates your child’s mental development, This includes Cognitive, linguistic, Emotional, and Motor Skills, The Best environment for this is a Calm and Loving home, Which allows your child to focus on improving his ability. also, it is important to teach them to stand up for themselves when they face difficult situations and discipline them if they are aggressive towards a sibling or parent, for this 4th Feb, 2022 school arrange an online Workshop on Let Us Create +VE Atmosphere on Home For Children which is led by the Guest Kejal Kansara Assistant Vice President at HDFC Bank, Ahmedabad also a Heartfulness Trainer with great communication skills. In this Workshop, more than one hundred fifty participants were joined on “Zoom” and “youtube live”, This webinar host by Jateen Shah Teacher at UniqYOU School.
Before starting a workshop, For relaxing the mind as per the method or tradition of our school, the webinar begins with the Omkar by Our respected Principal Shri Harshad Patel. After that school Trustee Shri Dr.YogeshBhai Patel had introduced our respected guest, Mr.Kejal Kansara, with such a long description that everyone was amazed to know about this wonderful human being. Lots of work experience, knowledge, degrees, work areas, etc. that listing was like go on and on about Mr.Kejal KAnsara. So including all the staff members, parents and students felt that ora of such great personality. Then after AmitBhai Dave welcomed all the students, parents, and guests.
Then the positive vibes begin in the webinar by Mr.Kejal Kansara with the topic of Let Us Create +VE Atmosphere at Home For Children. He started by saying The child is compared to a flower and plant. If we do not water the tree, it will wither, In the same way, if the children do not get a proper environment and guidance then it also withers away. It is also necessary to give him an atmosphere of external and internal love.
After this, they give an example and explained the aptitude of the house environment and he told that after coming home, no parents should vent their anger on their child, sit with them, find out what they did all day, ask about their day, These questions leave a good impression in minds of children.
Sometimes if the environment is not good then the effect is seen on the children’s faces as well as their behavior, Sometimes children go into depression, if at times the children do not get the right environment then it becomes difficult to heal them back. If we want to show children the right way, we should encourage them to do what they are interested in. If a child likes to read books then we should encourage him in it. If a child is good at painting, he should be brought up in that field so that he can be the best out of all. we should all sit down together with all family members at mealtime and have a habit of praying every day before eating a meal. after this informative session, Q&A started, and all the parents participated enthusiastically.
These are the important topics are discussed in the webinar and the webinar ends with a positive environment.
YouTube Link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UArXkOjEaQ0&t=517s
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