For those of you who are looking forward to the 21st Century, we need to be prepared for the future by learning new technologies, because the upcoming future fully depends on technology and gadgets, Person who has some uniqueness and who know to use of new technology and gadgets are having so many options in the future. As per the use of AI, robots Increase the old site job and regular jobs demands are decreasing, Given this situation, we must be prepared for the coming years, Future depends on qualities are empathy, initiative, adaptability, curiosity, leadership, resilience, and social and cultural awareness. In order to develop these skills and attributes effectively, we need to emphasize more progressive pedagogical approaches in the classroom. for this 28th Jan 2022 school arrange an online Workshop on Future-Ready Students which is led by the Guest Harshal Purohit Creative Personality and Assistant professor of English at Ganpat University. In this Workshop, more than two hundred participants were joined on “Zoom” and “youtube live”, This webinar host by Jateen Shah Teacher at UniqYOU School.
Before starting a workshop, For relaxing the mind as per the method or tradition of our school, the webinar begins with the Omkar by Mrs. Amisha Shah. After that Mr.Krunal Prajapati had introduced our respected guest, Mr.Harshal Purohit, with such a long description that everyone was amazed to know about this wonderful human being. Lots of work experience, knowledge, degrees, work areas, etc. that listing was like go on and on about Mr.Harshal Purohit. So including all the staff members, parents and students felt that ora of such great personality. Our respected Principal Shri Harshad Patel had welcomed all the students, parents, and guests.
Then the positive vibes begin in the webinar by Mr.Harshal Purohit with the topic of Future-Ready Students. He started by saying that we all have different criteria, Experience, Knowledge, Skills, etc, Nowadays life is changing very very fast, He wants to highlight directly to present challenges of parents for His/Her children to proper guidance.
In the past century, the world changed on Power of the country and its king, After that time comes of technology, It was about the mind, brain, scientists, etc., When we come to today’s world, it changing not by a year or month or a day but maybe every minute and second also it not depend on power because the power also changes time to time. if we talk about now and the upcoming future the definition of a powerful country is changing, the country that has creativity, futuristic technology, also creates the innovative idea that the country is called in power.
Due to very fast-changing in technology so many things and occupations are rapidly going out of our life. He guiding parents to various fields and industries is important and a better future for students. also, they talk about how to prepare their students for the challenging future at Home in this covid situation.
He suggests some fields to the parents for their students to ready them for upcoming competition and knowledge-based future, here we mention some fields which discussed in this webinar Food industry, Fashion design, Civil Engineering, Biomedical Engineering, Environmental Science, Nursing, Robotics, Cyber Security, Cloud Computing, Teaching, etc. and one of the most challenging to our students is the English language for teaching above all fields, so as a parent will prepare its children for English language and communication.
Then he comes real-time situation facing all the people nowadays because of covid, it had shown and changing world also it has shown so much of uncertainty to everyone. the big question is What do we need to succeed?
He gives some points to relate to the above question are mentioned here Interpersonal skills, Proper relationship with every human, Physical Development, Truthful, True and sufficient Knowledge, Communication.
One percent ask What keet in mind to improve our communication skills and Harshal Purohit give some important points to improve communication skills is Understanding the Topic before Speaking, Good knowledge to communication language, Basic Knowledge for the English Language.
These are the important topics discussed in this webinar by Harshal Purohit to work on a guide to children for a better future. As our students are the main source for our country and world, this is very important proper guidance for future-ready students. all the end all parents thank Harshal purohit for this informative webinar and request them to take one more of this kind to the webinar in the future.
YouTube Link : https://youtu.be/np-MSy2dkwo
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