The Importance of parents is very high in the life of every man, Everyman spends the happiest moments in his life with his parents, and therefore the importance of his parents in the life of every man is very high. The importance of parents in life is depending on our sanskaras and thinking. They play the biggest role in our development. Father and mother play important roles in our mental, physical, social, financial, and career development. Parents are the most precious gift of God for us. They help us in every step of our life, they trained us very hard style for future challenges. Parents are living for us, They are real God, and First Teacher parenting a child is not easy. We should respect them and their decision in life. Parents are with us in every moment of our life, Our parents are with us until we play when we are young, when we play and when we fall, to explain to us, and when we grow up, to show us the right way and to take us on the right path. And for all this, we should always be pleased with them,
The school organizes Matrupujan every year, this year also Matrupujan was organized in which the children participated enthusiastically and worshiped their parents. and celebrate matrupujan at their home.
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